- Once you have chosen the proposal that you want to create a digital proposal for, click the button 'create proposal'
- A page will open where you can choose from an existing template or you can build a proposal from scratch.
Building a proposal from scratch
- When you click the option 'blank template' you are presented with 6 different sections to use to populate the proposal - these can be added in any order
- The first option is called 'Visual' this section can include an image or a video
- To upload an image, simply click the upload image button. This will then appear along the bottom and you can select it to add to your proposal
To upload a video
- You can embed a video from either YouTube or Vimeo, to do this, you will need to have your video already uploaded to either platform
- Click on the video that you want to embed
- Once added, your video should appear on your proposal.
Adding Content
- The second section you can add is 'Content' this can be text, an image, video or grid.
- If you select 'Text' this will create a section that you can type in - you can then change the font, colour, alignment and more
- Click the tick when you are happy with your changes
- If you want to add another line of text, click on the + Add Content button within the same section
- To add an image or video, see instructions above
- To add a grid, select the grid option and 2 columns will appear
- If you want to change the number of columns, click on grid settings at the top right of the section
- You can choose between 1 and 12 columns and can also change the spacing between them
- To add content to your grid, select the column you want to add content to by choosing the +Add Content button. This will bring up the following options: Text, image, video or logo.
(See above on how to add these)
- Once added, you can edit and customise, as well as delete
- Click the tick to save.
Adding Sales Quote
- To add your Sales Quote to the proposal, click the '+' symbol and then select 'Sales Quote' from the options
- This will add the Sales Quote with all of the products pulled through, including images, quantities and pricing broken down room by room and floor by floor
- Labour cost will be shown at the end, only if you added it whilst designing the system
- At the end of the Sales Quote section the total charges are shown
Editing Sales Quote
- To edit your Sales Quote design, hover over the top of the Sales Quote and a toolbar will appear in the top left
- You have the options to move the whole section up or down by selecting the arrows
- To change the colour of the text, select the pencil icon
- Within the pencil icon, to edit the whole sales quote, select the 'Sales Quote' section and this will bring up options to change background colours, borders and more
- You can also choose if you want to show product images, item prices and more by using the toggle
- Changes will automatically be shown, to save - click the save button on the top left of the screen
Adding maintenance contract options
- The next section to add on the Sales Proposal is the Maintenance Contracts
- (These are set up in the Sales Quote Config within the settings tab)
- Once selected they will be added to your proposal for your client to select which one they want to choose
- To complete the quote you can add in the 'Acceptance' section
- This is a place for your client to digitally sign for the quote and accept
- The overall total is displayed along with the E-signature box