Click on the ‘Purchase Orders’ tab on the left hand corner
At the top right of this screen, click the button ‘new purchase order’
A new window will then open, at the top, you will be asked to add a reference. This can be something that you want all of your suppliers to refer to this job as
The shipping address will be defaulted to the company address which would have been added when setting up your Specifi account
If you want the products to be delivered straight to site, select the button ‘direct to customer’ this automatically pulls in the address that was added when creating the customer
Or if the address is somewhere else, select ‘new address’ and enter it.
Half way down, click on the blue button ‘add products’
This will then bring up the product catalogue and you can begin adding products
Click on the product you want to add, this will then bring up the suppliers that stock this product
Select the supplier
You will then be shown a page where you can increase the quantity of the product, and if you are using Xero integration you can link it to your Xero account
Click ‘add product to purchase order’
The next section is called ‘Miscellaneous items’ this can be used to add a product from a supplier that doesn’t list a particular product on Specifi, e.g. if a supplier has agreed to sell you end of life stock for a product they no longer sell
Click on the button ‘add miscellaneous item’ this will bring up a window
Enter the details such as item name, price, quantity and choose your supplier
If you have set up Xero integration, you can choose which account within Xero you want to link it to, and set the Tax rate
Click add, this will then be added to your purchase order
At the bottom of your purchase order, you can add in a shipping cost - or it can be added when the supplier has responded to your request
Hit send to send your purchase order to your supplier, or you can save as a draft which can be edited at anytime.